Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prison Day 1

Day one in the work camp found us tired and weak. We arrived at 3 am after making a much-needed trip to the local grocery shop where we were allowed to purchase only the most basic needs. After traveling many hours to reach our destination you can imagine our weariness. The camp itself is a sight to behold. Unsanitary water, spider and roach infestations, and not to mention the 70 years worth of dust that decorates every surface leaves us with a constant feeling of dirtiness. I am also sure I am suffering from a severe case of facebook withdrawal, as there is nothing even remotely resembling Internet service over here. My fellow inmates and I are doing the best we can, trying to make the most of our situation but it is hard. The first night our usually fearless leader was so afraid to sleep in her given quarters that she opted to make camp on a chair in the middle of the common room; our youngest member also occupied this space. Our largest member was forced to occupy the kitchen floor after deeming his living quarters “unfit for humans to sleep in”. In light of our current situation we are dirtied and tired, but hopeful. We will do our best. Until the marrow,
-Inmate #002

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