Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prison Day 2

Rations were short for breakfast so we satiated our hunger with meager portions of “eggs” and “toast”. This day was busy. I have located several arachnids creeping along the walls as I have tried to cleanse my body in the washroom. The toilet basin has also flooded over twice today. We spent a large portion of our day at camp as we tried to clear out inmate #003’s living quarters. Our leader has felt very bad that #003 doesn’t have a cell of his own, so we have worked very hard to provide him with one. Inmate #004 seems to be highly optimistic about the training here and she is now the self-proclaimed slave driver of the yard work. We have asked around to find out what the locals say is the best way to nurture the prison camps barren grounds back to health. One said that the best way to do this was to cut the weeds down, water them so that they grow again, and then cut them down once more. I question the advice of the locals at times. We searched for an automotive vehicle today so that we could transport ourselves more easily around the perimeters of camp. We were directed to the local Naval Fleet’s “Lemon Lot”. This was clearly a mistake as they only had 2 vehicles to offer. Needless to say we chose neither and are still without our own transportation. While working in the fields today inmate #001 pointed out a black widow spider’s egg sac. Inmate #003 was fascinated by this and preceded to place this sac on a tool and then chase inmate #004 around with it. Inmate #004 is terrified of these creatures so we were all highly amused as she ran around camp screeching in terror. After a dinner of bread and meat I went outside to assume my duty of watering the weeds. I still wonder at how this helps clear the yard but alas I shall not voice my skepticism. While watering I glanced across the street and saw 2 monstrous lizards the size of small dragons and I was immediately fearful for my life. However to my relief they soon hid from my site. Well, until we meet again,
-Inmate #002

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