Monday, August 2, 2010

It's been a while!

Well, it certainly has been long enough, hasn't it?
Let me see if I can fill you guys in a bit......
It's week 6 at the Farmhouse I believe. We've had amazing company come up since we've been here. Our friend Melissa from Germany was in LA so she drove up to see us which was nice because we got to party in a hotel room for the weekend! We also got to see our amazing friends, Brad and Blake Ewton because they came up and helped us build some things at the Farm (thanks guys!). All together we built a chicken coup (mom did get those chicks after all :)! It's pretty cool-I'll put pics up. We had a ton of fun. We went to the beach and went to a water park up in Fresno. What else......oh, mom's grass is growing! So much so in fact that we've had to mow it twice now. Her garden is looking good too, though no vegetables have been eaten from it yet. Phil and I went up to Fresno a couple of days ago so we could see some friends of ours we know from Paris! It had been a while since we saw them last so we really enjoyed catching up. Also, WE GOT A PUPPY! :D Her name is Holly and she's 3 1/2 months old. She's half border collie and half German shepherd, and COMPLETELY ADORABLE! She's brilliant and has such a sweet personality. Unfortunately she's a little sick though so she has to take it easy for about a week. I have approximately one more lesson until I get my drivers licence! Moesha is going strong in her gymnastics and has proven to be quite the social bug! she went to 3 parties in 1 week! Phil is doing awesome in football. He had a couple of scrimmages 2 weeks ago and he is happy to have this week off. He starts school on the 12th. Mom is doing well. She's taking a bus to LA tomorrow morning so she can pick up our van! Our stuff from Germany has also arrived, they're just keeping it in storage for us until we get our house. Speaking of which we probably won't be able to move in until the 27th of this month, so just keep that in your prayers. It's really pretty though and we can't wait to live in it. I can't think of anything else besides that, but I'll put some pictures up tonight. Love you all!
Take care and God bless!

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