Saturday, July 10, 2010

well, what to write? let's see...
It's week 2 at the Farm, going on week 3 I guess and we're adjusting! It's not so bad :) We've been less busy with the outside work and have mainly focussing on tidying up inside. Dan and Sam came up last monday and tuesday so that was fun. They helped us fix the swamp cooler, our tv, mom's printer and Phil and Moe's computer. They also gave me more driving lessons! I think I gave Sam a heart attack though when I got stuck in an intersection :) We're all doing well here! Phil is currently at football camp for the weekend. I think he gets back tomorrow? Moesha is busy with gymnastics and loving every minute of it. She's met several girls her age who seem nice so we're excited about that. Mom is doing well. She's seeing a chiropractor for her bad knee and I think it's doing better! I see a councilor for my classes at COS (College of the Sequoias) on monday so i'm glad to get that out of the way. We've begun phase 2 of buying a house. This is the phase in which there is much paperwork involved. It's a long process but we're glad things are moving forward and we hope to have the house by end of August. Mom is determined to buy some baby chicks she saw at the festival over the weekend. She doesn't have a place to put them yet.....:)...but we'll see. Oh yeah, we spent the Fourth of July going to see fireworks at Hanford East. This happens to be Phil's rival school so he opted out and stayed home. (lame! ;). Then we came home and lit off our own fireworks in the fields. Moesha burnt her leg a bit when she rested a sparkler on it and Phil almost lit the neighbors house on fire...but other than that it was GREAT! :D We went to the pool yesterday with Dad's side of the family. Apparently I have about 10 cousins I never knew existed! We met them all today when we went to ....Aunt? 1st Cousin? hmm... Mrs. Rhonda's house for a family get together. It was really fun! I'm glad some of them live near us in Visalia so we'll get to see them more often. Mom's grass is growing, somewhat slowly though. She planted more seeds and then made us put hay over it to help it stay moist. I really do feel like a farmer now. She also bought herself a really nice patio furniture set! (don't worry Dad, it wasn't too expensive haha) We used it while Dan and Sam were here and we like it. We're looking for a puppy! We went to the pound the other day and saw several we like. we just need to find a gate for it and sign some paperwork and then i think we'll get one! Moe is especially excited because she says, and I quote; "Mom and I discussed this and we've decided that since you and Phil are going off to college next year we get to have most of the say in what dog we get." Since then she's never referred to our non-existing dog as "ours", only "mine". We still haven't joined a church yet but we've tried several and really like one of them, plus it has a good youth group. Oh, we went to a comedy show on friday with the comedian, Michael Jr. I encourage you to check him out! He's hilarious. Okay, that's all! love you all and miss you! Paul and Dad, stay safe!


  1. Sherell,
    thanks for the it sounds like there hasn't been much slave labor lately! I'm excited for all the adventures you guys have going on..
    Quick question, for you and Phil...I'm training for a marathon and it takes a lot of running and I'm not good at running without music. I've decided I like hip-hop now (it's good working out music) you guys have any recommendations?
    thanks for the shout out on your blog. can't wait to get out to see you guys and the farm. Love you

  2. Paul, i'm so sorry for not getting back to you for bout a month! some real good rappers we know are Lecrae, Trip Lee, Flame-pretty much those guys, But Lecrae and Trip Lee are the best. check out their CDs After The Music Stops, Rebel, Real Talk, and 13 letters. all of them are pretty cool but Rebel and After the Music Stops are probably the best. Love you again! and sorry this took so long. stay safe,
