Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well, So Far...

Well here we are in California after moving here on the 23rd of June from Germany. I think the best word to describe Hanford/Armona in comparison to Ramstein is simply…different. In Hanford it is hotter-108 degrees yesterday! There is also good American style shopping and good American style food. Surprising for us all is the fact that we can actually walk almost anywhere and be able to eves-drop on any conversation and completely understand it! I always thought that moving here would be louder and busier than Ramstein but it’s really not. Armona is a quite town. If you go to Hanford however it is busier and there is more to do, and we like that. We’ve spent the past 5 ish days getting settled in the farmhouse and doing yard work and such. We’ve mowed down the dead weeds and now are in the process of planting grass and we even bought flowers and vegetables and put in a garden! Pretty fun stuff actually. We’re also still looking for houses to buy in Hanford. We’ve found about 3 that we really like and are putting in offers for but the process is slow. Hopefully we’ll know in about 2 weeks. We’ve enrolled Phil in high school. He’s going to Hanford West. We’ve set Moesha up with Gymnastics and are excited because they say she’s good and should be in level 8 by the time the regular competition team starts up again. We’ve checked out colleges around the area for myself. Yesterday we looked at The College of the Sequoias (COS) and I’m signing up for classes this August if not in July. Phil and I are still looking for jobs. What I love about California is that minimum wage here is around 10 dollars an hour! My favorite thing though is that I got a car!! How awesome is that!? It’s a used 2002 black PT Cruiser! I’m so excited ☺ we start driving school hopefully this Friday so soon I’ll be able to drive it. I think mom is happy she won’t have to drive us everywhere anymore but I can’t understand why she got this terrified look on her face when I asked her why she wouldn’t teach us herself ☺ Today our stuff in the unaccompanied baggage comes in. it’s about 1000 lbs. of things we sent ahead of time like our TV and computer and all that good stuff. Next week we’ll hopefully see Dan and Sam because they’re driving our way, and then some friends of ours from Utah are coming sometime. Well that pretty much sums it up so far. Still no internet at the house and we learned yesterday that because we’re located where we are Comcast will never be able to hook us up with it. I think it’s pretty lame but whatever. I guess I’ll just keep posting these from Panara until we get our house! All right, hope you guys are all doing well! Love and miss you all!


  1. Sherell I love your blog and have chuckled my way through it. You are very clever and quite the good writer. It is fun to know what all is happening in Prison. I am amazed at how much you inmates and the warden have accomplished in just over a week! Busy Bees! Keep posting!

  2. Thank you mrs. Laura! I appreciate it and am glad that you like it. haha, and i agree-only my mom could achieve that much in such a short time :) such has been my life for the past 18 years though haha :)

  3. Mmm...Panera Bread is a yummy place. And YAY! for free wi-fi.
