Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Prison Day 3

Day 3. Today was largely spent clearing out the campgrounds. The Warden wants us to plant a garden and put in grass because the fields look rather barren at the moment. This required much strenuous work. First we raked the fields and then we watered them to make them soft. Next we had to use a very heavy and highly dangerous piece of equipment called a Tiller to dig up the turf. The ground was so hard however that this was a rather difficult task. In fact while attempting to use this piece of equipment inmate #001 almost lost her life because she is not strong enough to fully control the tool. I must admit it was quite comical watching her struggle to push the thing down and we laughed as it kept pulling her along. She is a little shaken up but otherwise unharmed.
I feel I am constantly caked with dirt and grime and I try to cleanse myself as best and as often as possible. I’m up to 2 showers a day. Clothing is scarce however and I find myself going through my very little belongings quickly. Also inmate #003 and myself lack adequate footwear for working in the fields. Inmate #001 and #004 have worked in conditions as these before so they each have sturdy work boots that they were able to bring to camp. I will keep my eyes open for a better pair.
Since I started this entry we have “finished” the garden. So far it’s just a combination of squash, tomatoes, peppers, and the occasional flower. It’s not much but it’s a start.
Some of the neighboring locals came by to tell us how good we inmates were working. I smiled as they told us how the entire community whispered about us and watched our progress behind their windows. We had a pleasant chat with them and found them to be very sweet people. Anyway, I must go- I can smell dinner boiling now. One thought though; when we’re in the fields tomorrow I think I’ll give a little wave to the local that is starring at us from his window.
-Inmate #002


  1. HIlarious! I'll bookmark it...

    Now, question: is Mom inmate #01 or the Warden??

  2. I'm glad you like it! and good question. The Warden was originally supposed to be a fictional character and mom was supposed to be inmate #001. However as i write about the Warden it sounds more and more like mom. so to answer your question, mom is BOTH! :) sorry for the confusion.

  3. Ahh...I thought the Warden was your Daddy-O, monitoring from afar. Sherell...this is hilarious! Hug Inmate 001 for me.
    Carolyn Huntsman
