Friday, July 2, 2010

Prison Day 4 & 5

Day 4 & 5

The past two days at camp have somewhat blended together. Day 4 was the Lord's Day so the Warden allowed us time to worship, however immediately after we were ordered back to camp for another hard day of work. We spent the evening trying to cool the Slammer down because the heat here, which could easily be compared to hell’s deepest and hottest pit, drenches our bodies in sweat and immediately saps us of all energy. No kidding, when you step outside it’s like your body is immediately consumed in a blazing inferno. So anyway the cooler for the Slammer was broken and we desperately tried to fix the darn thing. We haven’t really gotten it to work properly but we’ve gotten by with drenching the mats with water and having the fan blow cool air around. Only problem with this is that once the water evaporates the cooler just blows around hot air. It’s a work in progress. In the mean time we tried to get some sort of Internet or cable around here as we seem to be going insane without a connection to the rest of the world. No luck. What we found out was that we are so far out in the boonies that even the Cableman is refusing to hook us up. So here we are, destitute. Praise God though we did find a vehicle. It was a trick to do however because the Warden only allows us to spend so much money on things like transportation and food- you know, minor things like that- so needless to say the choices were few. We got one though and it’s a real beauty. Today we reorganized the furniture in the Common Room. When we first started off the true challenge was not in moving the furniture; rather it was in deciding where the furniture would go. After much gnashing of teeth, broken ribs and bloodied knuckles we finally came to an agreement and are now quite satisfied with our choice. We worked a little bit in the fields today, not so much as normal though because of the heat. I found out a valuable piece of information however; never stand outside in one place longer than 30 seconds because if you do, tiny little creatures will eat you alive. We discovered this the hard way as one after another we all fell prey to the bloodsucking ants. We soaked the buggers though so maybe next time they’ll think twice. Well I’m tired now and my hands are swollen from raking so goodbye and goodnight,
-Inmate #002

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