Monday, July 5, 2010

Prison Day 6

Well here we are in Day 6 and we're still here. Things are looking up for us though because we finally have internet connection. I think the wireless guys felt bad for us and got tired of hearing our screams as we suffered from various cases of Facebook and Youtube withdrawal. My body is slowly recuperating as I give it daily dosages of the TV show, Glee, online. Each of us have been allowed to buy 2 new pairs of shorts because the Warden got tired of us fainting on the job due of the heat. I feel very grateful for this privilege. We also got to wash our clothes today but were ordered to dry them outside. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that, while drying, our clothes were blown over and fell into the rough grass. Unfortunately for us this grass holds stickers and nobody bothered to tell us. Needless to say we spent the day feeling scratchy in...awkward...places. The Warden has been impressed with the size and strength of inmate #003 and has forced him to work at an Intensive Camp where his skills are supposedly honed and his strength increases. We are happy for him but the catch is that now for 5 hours of the day he is working on building his muscle tone which renders him absolutely useless to the rest of us back at camp. Inmate #004 and myself have found it somewhat difficult to pick up his slack as we cannot match his strength thus our work force has suffered a huge loss. I've been feeling very restless here at camp and have even tried to escape. In my desperate attempt for freedom I snuck the keys to the new Cruiser and tried to drive away. Unfortunately this was a failed attempt because as I tried to back out I realized that the car was a stick-shift. I've rarely driven a stick before but I refused to give up. I sped out of the perimeters of camp and thought I had almost reached the freedom I so dearly longed! And then I came to an intersection. Thinking back to the very few lessons I had about driving stick with my older brother I tried to remember my training. My heart almost broke whenI realized I had taken my foot off the clutch too fast and I heard my engine die. By the time I tried to start the car back up I saw the Prison Guards coming after me in my review mirror. The tears came as I was hauled back to camp. I have been confined to my quarters for the next few days but that is okay with me. I remain content in the fact that I can now watch my favorite shows from my cell.
So, if you'll excuse me, Glee is calling my name.
Over and Out,
Inmate #002


  1. did you get grounded? is #3 working out with the football team? thanks for the update...hilarious

  2. haha, no i didn't get grounded and yes Phil is going to football. he actually has a camp in the morning that goes for the whole weekend. I wrote "i have been confined to my quarters...etc" because i didn't feel like writing another post for the next couple of days because nothing interesting was happening. I have something in mind though for the next one...

  3. Glee is my favorite!!! Love it!

  4. can't wait for the next one. You are really entertaining me. It beats all the games I play on facebook.
